Save the USPS and Save Free & Fair Elections

This is the USPS Board of Governors. These six men have the power to fire Trump-appointee Louis DeJoy.


They have the power to roll back Trump’s hobbling of the USPS.  They have the power to save a free and fair election.

Please write, and share this so others may do the same.

This not only threatens the election – even if universal mail-in voting isn’t done, and it also threatens those who get their medication through the mail, it affects those of us who still receive their bills in the mail and use the same method to send back the payment, and it affects jobs….lots and lots of jobs. The US economy hasn’t been this bad since the great depression, and we’re going to go out of our way to take more jobs away?

Don’t let them rig the system because he’s afraid he can’t win otherwise.  Also, paper ballots cannot be hacked, like the election was in 2016, and as the Russians have vowed to do again.

I encourage you to contact them and explain why mail-in voting matters to you.

Robert Duncan:
John Barger:
Ron Bloom:
Roman Martinez:
Donald Moak:
Wiliam Zollers:

You can also text USPS to 50409 to send a message to your representatives to support the Post Office. More than a million people have done so thus far. Very easy way to speak up. Also, nationwide protests are being planned at local post offices at 11 am on Sat. Aug. 22. Your local groups probably have info, or check

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